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Celebrating Mother Teresa's Feast Day

Since Mother Teresa is a relatively new Saint (today is actually the 2 year Anniversary of her canonization!!!) we wanted to give you some ideas of ways you could celebrate such a beautiful Saint on her September 5th Feast Day!



On Feast Days we think it's important to .. well.. feast. I mean, it's in the name.

In honor of St. Teresa of Calcutta, we'll be making some of our favorite Indian food:

Celebrating Mother Teresa's Feast Day with homemade naan bread

For dessert we're going to have simple cupcakes with white frosting and blue sprinkles in honor of Mother Teresa's signature colors.



Here's a super simple way to make a table look Mother Teresa themed:

Grab any white candle and wrap our free candle wrap printable around the bottom, tape it and you're done!

St. Teresa of Calcutta Candle Wrap

We have a number of Instant Download Prints that feature Mother Teresa's beautiful words:

St. Teresa of Calcutta Simple Saint Print

Our St. Teresa of Calcutta Simple Saint is available as a 5x7 or 8x10 Print

Don't forget your phone!! Celebrate with this FREE LOCK SCREEN

right click to save this image to use on your phone



Mary, Mother of Jesus, please be a mother to me now.

I must admit, this prayer has never failed me." - Mother Teresa

We created a FREE PRINTABLE of this prayer for you to celebrate with today!

If you're Liturgical living with little ones make sure you get the September Saints Coloring Bundle!!

Instantly print off these 5 coloring pages to use for upcoming Feast Days this month... including Mother Teresa's of course!

The September Bundle Includes:

Mother Teresa - September 5th

St. Padre Pio - September 23rd

The Archangels - September 29th - St. Michael, St. Raphael & St. Gabriel

The details are big and lines are simple so these coloring pages can also be painted..

September Saints Coloring Bundle

Here's an old blog post from a couple years ago but it's worth a read!

Mother Teresa's Letter to a seminarian

Wishing you a blessed Feast Day! St. Teresa of Calcutta, Pray for us!

© 2021 The Simple Saints

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